Ladies, this post is actually aimed at the man of the house so email this to him for a good read. Don’t worry, you will benefit from this. Immensely.
Suggested subject line: read this to get some…..more time with your baby!
Dad’s Dad’s Dad’s, there’s a lot of information and knowledge for new mums out there so we wanted to step in and say “Hey, we see you over there. Looking all lost and sheepish. We see you.” We know there’s not a barrage of Facebook pages and daddy groups that you can join to get you through this confusing time. We know. We’re here for you. Don’t worry, we have your back. Look, the long and the short of it is simply this; parenting is a tough gig, dad’s everywhere for as long as time have stood asking the question ‘What am I supposed to do? I don’t have boobies full of milk. I can’t help with the baby.’ Ok well maybe like Henry VIII didn’t say boobies, fun bags perhaps? You get the drift though. We feel you.
We’ve got something that you can do and look pretty darn saucy doing it too. What is this magical thing you ask? Well, baby wearing. Yup you heard right, baby wearing. Baby wearing is for everyone, especially dads. And best of all, you doing something as simple and as primal as hugging your baby when you’re out and about has enormous benefits to you, the bubba and the wifey. Before we lurch into the actual list of benefits (stop thinking about fun bags for a second), baby wearing dads are all the rage in Hollywood. We’ve put together a mood board to show you how you too could get your sexy back.
Exhibit A
Women worldwide have been swooning over this image for over a year. So go, quick, hurry. Get yourself some aviators and a leather jacket. We’ve got the baby wearing attire covered.
Exhibit B
Yup, Lennon was doing way back when. Epitome of cool right there.
Need more inspiration? Look no further!
Why Dads Should Baby wear – the benefits
- Up the cool stakes as visually demonstrated above
- Chicks dig it (anything to please the missus)
- Bond with baby will grow. The more love you give the little puddling, the more love it will give you right back.
- Good for abs. Dependant on how much your tike weighs you will need to brace your abs while baby wearing. This will naturally tone and strengthen the muscles. Chris Hemsworth who?!
- Give mums a rest because if you don’t …… well you know the consequences of stuffing up in your house. We don’t need to remind you.
- Learn the babies queues sooner and with ease. You won’t need to spend time studying your little one like the footy record, you will naturally learn about each other quickly because you’ll be together more often.
- You can still hold a beer / latte while being productive and holding baby. Booyah! Winning.
Best product to get you started: The Manduca Organic Baby Carrier. Its ergonomic design along with the generously padded shoulder straps and wide waist belt work together to distribute baby’s weight whilst baby sits in the orthopaedic-recommended M position. The unique Manduca design makes carrying your baby a breeze.
If you really want to get yourself some brownie points before New Years, you should check out our ULTIMATE MUM PACK. No shopping required. A perfectly picked colour coordinated gift pack is available now. Did we say No shopping?!!! Simply click the link and off you go. Enjoy the silly season Dads!