View the PDF Version of instructions that come with every Moby Wrap.
Wrap Safety Check
After getting baby in the MOBY Wrap make sure to always perform your safety checks

Chin is off chest and baby’s face is visible

The logo tag section (“seat belt”) is securing baby’s entire back and shoulders

Baby is in a seated position with knees up above bottom
Getting Started
Press on the following links to access YouTube video instructions for Wrapping Gathered Instructions and Wrapping Folded Instructions and Getting your baby into your Moby Wrap

1. Fold the Wrap in half by first holding the Moby logo tag. Next grab the opposite side and bring the stitched edges together. (like a taco)
2. Center the Moby logo tag and wrap the Moby around your stomach. TIP: to wrap tighter start with the logo tag higher on your stomach. To wrap looser, lower the Wrap on your stomach.

3. Cross the two ends behind your back and bring one end up and over your shoulder.

4. Bring the other end over your opposite shoulder creating an “X” on your back.

5. Tuck the ends of the wrap under the logo section from top to bottom.

6. Cross the end pieces in the front making an “X” on your chest.

7. Bring the fabric ends behind your back and tie a knot here, or continue to wrap around to the front of your body.

8. Tie a double knot on your back, hip or front.
Instructions: Newborn Hug Hold
Introduce at 8 pounds For babies under 8 lbs, consult your medical professional.
Follow the step-by-step instructions or watch the Newborn Hug Hold Instructional video. Once baby is in don’t forget to perform your safety check.
Press on the following links to access YouTube video instructions for Newborn Hug Hold

1. Slide baby down your chest and into this pocket. The baby’s legs will remain in the fetal position.

2. Spread the fabric over the baby’s body including the shoulders, back and bottom.

3. Locate the opposite section of fabric and spread over baby’s body.

4. Find the logo tag and pull this section of fabric up and over baby.
Instructions: Hug Hold
Introduce when baby is fully stretching legs. Average ~3-4 months, some babies are ready sooner, some later.
Follow the step-by-step instructions or watch the Hug Hold Instructional video. Once baby is in don’t forget to perform your safety checks.
Press on the following links to access YouTube video instructions for Hug Hold

1. Place baby’s second leg through the other shoulder piece while supporting the upper body.

2. Spread the fabric, covering baby’s bottom and shoulder.

3. Locate the logo tag and gently put baby’s legs through this section.

Instructions: Hip Hold
Introduce when baby has excellent head & upper body control (5+ months)
Once baby is in don’t forget to perform your safety checks
1. Before you wrap, choose the hip on which you’d like to carry baby.

2. Wrap so that the shoulder piece closest to your body is the side on which you will carry baby (Antonio will carry on his left).

3. Shift the Moby so that the fabric “X” is moved from your front to your side.

4. Place one of baby’s legs through the shoulder piece closest to your body, so that baby straddles your hip. Spread the fabric over baby’s bottom and shoulder.

5. Bring baby’s other leg through the opposite shoulder piece. Fully spread the fabric, ensuring it is to the hollows of baby’s knees and over baby’s entire back.

6. Locate the logo tag and gently put both of baby’s legs through this section. Pull fabric up over baby’s back and shoulders.

7. Baby is now in a seated position straddling your hip with one leg in front and one behind you.

8. Baby should be seated comfortably at your hip with baby’s shoulders secured by two layers of fabric.
Instructions: Kangaroo Wrap & Hold
Introduce at 8 lbs. For babies under 8 lbs, consult your healthcare professional.
Follow the step-by-step instructions or watch the Kangaroo Wrap & Hold Instructional video. Once baby is in don’t forget to perform your safety checks

1. Place the Moby Wrap across your waist with the logo tag centered at your navel.

2. Wrap the ends of the Moby behind your back. Make an “X” on your back by crossing the two ends up over your shoulders.

3. Now it’s time for baby. Hold baby up on your shoulder.

4. Gently lower baby into the fabric section with the logo tag, putting both legs through and tucking fabric under baby’s bottom.

5. Holding baby securely, bring one fabric end over baby’s back towards your opposite hipand guide under baby’s leg.

6. Repeat with the other fabric end, making sure you keep both fabric ends pulled snugly as you wrap.
Instructions: Taking Baby Out
Keep your Moby on, then baby can go back in when ready!
Press on the following links to access YouTube video instructions for

1. Lower the Moby logo tag below baby’s bottom. Open fabric, carefully supporting baby as you do this. Newborns will need additional head support.

2. Lift baby straight up and out of the Moby. Keep baby close to your body as you lift up.
Remember always do a safety check after placing your baby in any of these positions.