Can I put my hand up and say without a bag of apples being thrown at me that I actually LIKE being a working mother? I know, I know I’m meant to say how unfair but is that we live in a society where we need both wages to survive and it’s unnatural to be apart from your baby (especially since I run a BABY WEARING apparel company) you know what though? The space is important and necessary.
I’m not sure about the rest of you but when I had Hamish I automatically became Hamish’s mum and not much else. My head was filled with feeding schedules, nappy changes, sleep time and methods to alleviate baby gas that I didn’t have a second to think about myself. Yes it’s a common cautionary tale that you are told about over and over yet you think you’ll love being in the baby bubble so much that you couldn’t possibly wish for anything more out
of life.
It’s not just that though. It’s like the mother in you takes over and you don’t really recognise the new you. Who is this blurred version of myself I used to think. Didn’t I used to have interesting things to say? Didn’t I once love cooking? I was lucky if I could manage a mouthful of twisties in the early days!
Establishing and building Baby Carriers Australia was like a reprieve. It was my time to connect with the girl I used to be. It was my chance to use the learning’s of a first time mother and marry these with the skills I had spent a lifetime acquiring. I wanted to help as many mothers as I could as they went through their journey. I remember Hamish being so upset some days that I just couldn’t put him down. Baby Wearing was my saviour. I could fold the 600 loads of washing I’d done that day, I could text, I could even manage a bowl of spaghetti – with him tucked securely against my chest.
So back to my original point. I’m so passionate about the products I stock because I know each and every one of them are useful to mothers with newborns, crawly babies and active toddlers. I know what I’m doing
even though it may seem small makes a big difference to your day. To your life really.
Thank you for giving me a reason to side step out of motherhood momentarily everyday and be Kiley the business owner again. The irony of it all is that Kiley the business owner pines and I mean, PINES for Hamish the whole time we’re apart. For that reason, being here doing this makes me the best mother I can be. You know what they say; absence makes the heart grow fonder. And by fonder, I mean my heart will literally explode if I don’t get to smell him right this second!
Enjoy it however you enjoy it mummas and don’t let anyone else define what it is that makes a good mother. The very fact that you’re pondering what a good mother looks like means that you are one.
Kiley x
P.S. Happy Halloween week! We’re celebrating by showcasing some of the best baby wearing costumes I’ve seen. Follow me on Instagram or Facebook to join the party.