Beachfront Baby carriers come with photo instruction brochures in each package.
If you would like to view or download Beachfront Baby wrap instructions, you can do so here:
View Beachfront Baby Wrap instruction brochure side 1 (info)
View Beachfront Baby Wrap instruction brochure side 2 (images)
These are the basic wrapping instructions that Beachfront Baby recommend for all ages of babies. A heart-to-heart hold ensures that the wearer can see the baby’s face at all times. This is extremely important in any water environment, so that you can keep a close eye on how much water is near your baby’s face.
Follow these step by step instructions to use your wrap:
- Find the label at the center of your wrap. Gather at your waist with the tag in the center at your navel.
- Bring the ends around your back & cross them.
- Bring one strap over your shoulder, then the other.
- Straighten straps to ensure they are not twisted.
- Tuck straps under waist panel.
- Cross straps to make an “x” at your navel.
- Bring ends around to your back.
- Tie ends in a knot at your waist. If the tails are long enough, you may bring them back around to your front & tie there.
- Holding baby against your chest, tummy to tummy, open the “x” and put baby’s leg through the opening.
- Place baby’s other leg through the other side of the “x.”
- Spread fabric out over baby’s back & bottom, starting with the strap on the underside.
- Spread fabric of the outer strap over baby’s back & bottom. Baby should be seated in the straps, with the fabric pulled up to behind her knees.
- Find the center panel (feel for the tag) and put baby’s legs through.
- Spread the center panel over baby’s bottom & back. To ensure baby is seated rather than dangling, in the carrier, pull the edges of the wrap panels towards the backs of your baby’s knees.
If your baby feels insecure in the wrap, try tying the wrap tighter. Your baby’s body should be snug against yours.
Some customers have commented that the fabric has a “slippery” feel. Once the wrap is washed, this slick feeling is usually gone.
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